Losing Weight and Building Fitness are both strategies to improve surfing capabilities. Both require patience and consistency. Both require discipline and will power.
Losing weight and Building fitness are good strategies for changing a lifestyle to one of health and longevity. People looking to add recreational activities to their lives will find both are instrumental in increasing capabilities. Develop daily practices and habits for consistent progress and journal activities.
Good Strategies for Weight Loss
Five Key strategies for increasing weight loss:
Calorie restriction. At the beginning this starts with eliminating addictions to unhealthy foods. At the top of the list is sugar. It adds to fat stores and is inflammatory. Increased mental health and memory are supported by reducing sugar intake. Then reduce white flour found in bread, pastries, desserts, and many packaged products. Add whole foods like lean protein, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. They are bulky to improve satiety, fibrous to slow conversion of carbohydrates to sugar, and contain nutrients.
Intermittent Fasting. Eating within time windows will give digestion more time to rest and the body the opportunity to burn fat for fuel. A 16-hour window would have you eating breakfast at 8:30, lunch at noon and dinner before 5 p.m. Having a smoothy for breakfast could extend the fasting period four more hours.
Meal Replacement Shakes. A great way to get more nutrients on a calorie restricted diet. Good for the digestion giving it more rest and opportunities to clear the body of bad fats. Helps fight plateaus the metabolism causes during radical weight reduction.
Drink More Water. This is an essential element in weight loss. The body needs water to digest food and will seek the water in food if not properly hydrated. Drink a glass of water before each meal to appease appetite. Drink at least half your body weigh in ounces of water. (a 200-pound person drinks 100 oz.) Shoot for a minimum of 100 oz a day and better to drink a gallon.
Exercise Moderately. Exercise increases the resting metabolism which means the metabolism remains high after you have exercised. Exercise appeases the appetite. Exercise rids the body of inflammation and replenishes with energy boosting fluids. Exercise elevates mood and may reduce cravings for sugar and snacks.
Good Strategies for Building Fitness
Begin an Aerobic Program. Movement increases metabolism and burns more calories. Movement induces the muscles to allow receptors for glucose which is necessary to build stamina. Aerobics build muscle which will power exercise, improve stamina, and aid recovery.
Build Strength. All recreation needs strength in some part of the body. Surfing demands upper body, core, and lower body strength. Pushups are a great out of gym way to build upper body strength and assist the pop up in surfing. Cables, machines, and free weights can all be used for full body strength. Floor exercises can also create full body strength and there are 1,000’s of videos available.
Flexibility. Surfing needs flexibility for the pop up and lack of it is a major hindrance even if the body is strong. The best three exercises for flexibility are burpies, squats and deadlifts. They create strength in the largest muscle groups and flexibility in the hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back.
Combining all these practices and habits in a daily routine will greatly improve health and lifestyle.
For more assistance, read my Free E-book The 3 Week Plan found on website of same name.
On the same site, view the PerfectBody.me opportunity for weight reducing meal plans. They have meals, alternatives for foods you don’t like and weekly shopping list to help you plan. Everything can be found on an app so you can take it with you. My clients get big discounts. It starts with 50% and the EBookk has a code to get 60% and 85% discounts. We are partners in making you healthy.
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Get my new book Get Fit to Surf
Its time to get back in shape. This book discusses strength, flexibility, stamina, and nutritional needs for getting in shape and losing weight. It is the great guide to get back to fitness for all your recreational desires. If you can surf, you can do most anything.
Buy on Kindle for $5.99 or Paperback on Amazon for $7.99
Get the Learn to Surf Guide Course in Kindle, Paperback or Audio
A great 29 page course on the fundamentals of catching waves, doing beginner and advanced pop ups, riding real waves, how to do maneuvers on real waves, which surfboards to ride, and how to progress. Great for lesson preparation, after lesson review, or learning on your own.
Kindle price $2.99 on Amazon. Paperback price $6.95 on Amazon. Audio download price $7.95
Everybody Can Surf
To read a great book for getting in shape to surf or getting in better surfing shape, read my new book Everybody Can Surf, a Health, Fitness, Nutrition, and Surfing Adventure
Get healthy and fit to surf or set a goal of surfing to improve weight, fitness, nutrition, and health. This guide by a surf instructor/health coach/personal trainer gives the short version of how to lose weight, get strong, build stamina, develop nutrition, and learn to surf. Surfing is a lifestyle enjoyed by millions and so is fitness. Fitness creates opportunities to enjoy life through lots of different kinds of recreation. No need to stand on the sidelines while others are having a great time. Start your program to health with easy steps and progress at your own pace. That is the secret to maintaining a lifestyle. Do it at your pace. This book will start you on the path.
Buy the E book on Amazon for $5.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $7.99
Seniors Get Fit to Surf
Seniors often ask if it is too late to learn to surf. Age is functional not chronological. If people have been exercising and maintaining body strength, surfing can be accomplished. If people have not been exercising, then getting in shape to surf could be a life changing move. Learn how to develop strength, flexibility, and stamina to learn surfing. If you are in surf shape, you could pursue most any recreation.
Buy the E-book on Amazon for $5.99
Buy the Paperback on Amazon for $7.99