Nutrition is important as a central focus and important as a complementary focus. Surfers who want to lose weight will begin to eliminate the bad foods. If you eliminate all the bad foods you eat and there is nothing left, you have a poor diet. The idea would be to eliminate a bad food and add a good one. When you finish, you should have a nutritious diet.

The body is made up mostly of water and minerals. Physicists say we are stardust. Biologists say we are made from the earth. Each is true because the earth came from blown up stars and all life originated through mingling with the earth’s elements. Cells absorb what is in the blood stream. The blood stream is fed through the digestion process. Digestion results from what you consume. You are what you eat.

Too many carbohydrates, bad fats, sugars, and flour will create an overload on the digestive and blood circulation and be extracted and routed to fat where it is encapsulated so it won’t harm you. Exercise and good fats will coax the body to release the encapsulated harmful fats and allow you to lose weight.

Aerobics, weight training, and any heart beat raising exercise will cause the muscle to seek nutrients and then fat. Losing weight begins by not providing the body with more fat building materials and reducing consumption so it starts eating fat for fuel. Drinking lots of water gives the body the energy it needs to digest. Otherwise it spends its time taking liquid from the food we eat.

Learning how to feed muscles for building and recovery should become the interest of everyone seeking fitness and/or weight loss. Learning how to exercise at increasing intensities is normal to keep the body from adapting to one level of exercise intensity. Starving the body does not help weight loss because it slows the metabolism. The body notices a lack of food and shuts down its processes. There is a reason anorexia leads to malfunction an disease.

There is a fine balance each person must find to reach their goals.