Balancing Restricted Diet and Metabolism is a art as much of a science. The body’s metabolism slows down if it thinks the body is starving. This is a process that began with the earliest man in times when he did face starvation. Metabolism is responsible for at least 60% of our daily calorie burn so we want it fired up.
Restricting calories is a good way to lose weight. Consuming fewer or more calories than we burn over a period of time has an influence on what we weigh. What is healthy is slowly reducing calories so we are not suffering, but instead developing a life style that easily includes eating healthier foods and lower quantities.

Balancing Diet, Metabolism, and Energy Burn
The metabolism is responsible for operating our organs and keeping our body running. Digestion is one of the largest calorie burners followed by the brain and the heart. The metabolism will neglect other responsibilities to keep us alive when it thinks we are threatened. The idea then is to restrict calories without the metabolism thinking we are threatened.
Exercise is a great way to play the game. Steady moderate exercise burns calories and doesn’t require excessive calories like a competitive athlete. Once an athlete is burning 5,000 calories a day, they are attempting to prevent their body from losing weight. Short of that, it is best to boost the metabolism during rest by exercising moderately so we don’t over eat.
Choosing foods that supply nutrients and don’t promote a high degree of insulin is a proper path for losing weight and especially diabetics. These type of foods include legumes, protein, fat, and a minimum of carbohydrates. We want more fiber and less sugar. Eliminating sugars, bad oils and fats, white flour, and processed foods is elementary.
A breakfast can include an egg, a protein like chicken or pork, a soluble fiber like dried beans (that you boil), a fat like avocado or nuts, a and piece of fruit. A good lunch might just be chicken and cheese. Dinner might include a protein like salmon, a piece of broccoli, a fat like avocado or nuts, cottage cheese, and a piece of fruit like a piece of apple.
Yes this may seem severe. You can work down to this minimum intake through a slow process. Start by eliminating foods that stimulate insulin like anything with carbohydrates or sugar. Stop consuming anything with bad fats or oils like most restaurant foods. Alcohol has to fall off the list. Desserts are gone. Anything with white flour like bread, pastries, pasta, and pizza have to become restricted.
Large quantities of water have to be consumed to allow the body to digest your food without searching for water from the food. In her book, The Plan, Lyn Generet-Recitas suggests half you body weight in ounces. This is the minimum. A 200 pound person would drink a 100 oz of water. I now weigh 175 pounds and am 5’11” and I consume almost a gallon a day. Yes there is the pissing problem. My size places me at 24 on the Body Mass Index scale which is under the top normal weight of 25.
My goal as is Generet-Recitas’ is to lose a half to a pound a day. I feel encouraged with bigger results. It is hard to maintain a strict diet if you are only losing a pound a week. The metabolism will fight hard. I have had several plateaus where the body has to adjust to the lower weight before it sort of relaxes that you are not dying and lets you proceed to the next lower level.
Read a good book to get ready.
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