Lose 30 Pounds and Find New Health with your newly established routine. Life changes for the better when you have established the discipline to lose weight. Having recently dropped my pandemic weight of 200 pounds to a current 165 pounds, I can say its a good trip.
People with conditions like heart disease or diabetes are urged to lose weight to reverse their conditions. Weight is the beginning of most of the illnesses that plague our medical system. It can even be the underlying risk for Covid. Excess weight can lead to high blood sugar, heart attacks and strokes. Why not reverse the whole process and flee to safety?

The Basics of Losing Weight
What most people that have become obese don’t realize is the problem might not be as much about calories as about insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is the major issue with diabetes, but it is also a major cause of obesity and afflicts people who may not get diabetes. When the blood sugar is too high, the cells reject the insulin hormone that facilitates them accepting glucose.
Glucose is the product created by the liver from carbohydrates that powers the muscles. There is always a store of glucose in the liver, the muscles, and the blood stream. Only about 900 calories, on average, can be absorbed by a healthy body before the glucose is passed to fat. If a body has hit a point where cells reject insulin, then all the carbohydrates/glucose go to fat.
It is difficult to lose weight, but even more of a challenge if the muscles are not accepting glucose. Three objectives become restricting calories, not shutting down the metabolism, and training the muscles to accept glucose. This becomes a process of losing weight and getting fit.
The formula for losing weight has never changed. We have to burn more calories than we consume. The difficulty in losing weight and keeping it off is toying with the metabolism. The metabolism is an ancient creature that has been with humans since the beginning. It works subconsciously to keep systems like digestion, our heart, our brain, and organs functioning. It distributes energy.
When the metabolism senses a reduction in energy entering the body, it starts parsing its resources in preparation. It will slow down services to the body and preserve energy. When the metabolism slows, we burn fewer calories. How do we reduce caloric intake and not alarm the metabolism? This is the game we have to play and it is not for the weak. You have to find your inner soldier.
Some Weight Loss Objectives
One of the best ways to lose weight is to get the muscles to burn fat for fuel. Athletes train their bodies to burn fat with endurance training at a slow pace. After the body has burned through the carbohydrates in 20-30 minutes, it will seek fat stores and eventually muscle. Working with weights doing 40% to 60% of one lift capacity with 25 repetitions and 3 + sets is a way to train muscle to absorb glucose. Running more than 30 minutes will have the body seeking fat for fuel.
One of the major objectives for people overweight that have not been exercising is to create the receptors in the muscle cells to accept glucose. More training provides more receptors. If you have high blood sugar, it is even more important to train cells to accept glucose and allow the insulin resistance to decrease. Exercise reduces insulin resistance.
The first process in which a person should engage is evaluating what and why they eat. Keep track of consumption for a day or week to see what, when, and why you eat. Many weight problems are created by eating beyond being full, eating from emotional triggers and boredom, and even eating things you don’t like. Snacking are often a problem with sugar, fat, and carbs consumed without even thinking about them.
The Keto Diet has become popular among athletes or athletic people to lose weight while getting stronger. The Diet like the Pritikin Diet emphasizes fat consumption over carbohydrates. It is a greatly contested theory, but the pro-fat theorists say if you eat good fat, your body will let go of bad fat (belly fat). If you are exercising to the point your body needs fat for fuel, it will utilize good fat and lose the bad fat.
Eliminate addictions. I used to eat ice cream every night after dinner because like lots of people, I always wanted dessert. In fact, after dinner was my major problem area. What to do between dinner and bedtime? On an intermittent fasting routine, I have dinner no later than 5 p.m.. That gives me a lot of time until bed. I have learned to have something like beef jerky which has minimum calories and carbohydrates. Carrots are a good snack. If you have high blood sugar, avoid carbohydrates after dinner.
Develop the habit of drinking lots of water. The minimum should be half your weight in ounces. A 200 pound person should drink 100 ounces of water as a minimum. Develop the habit of getting aerobic exercise daily. A half hour should be the minimum but start with 10 minutes if necessary. Start working the muscles with resistance whether it be weights, floor exercises, or yoga. The muscles have to demand glucose for fuel.
I like intermittent fasting. Many doctors and nutritionists will not recommend it if you have diabetes. I have two meals a day plus a meal replacement shake for one of the meals. I also try to consume during a limited window of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This gives my body a lot of time to use the fuel I have consumed and if I also have drank a lot of water the digestion can concentrate on food and not searching for water.
At the beginning this is a real war between your mind and your body. The mind wants to sabotage any good efforts. Very quickly, the mind gets accustomed to the routine and starts to support your effort. Now four months into my own program, I enjoy my daily routines. I enjoy not being full. I enjoy never having digestion issues. I love being lighter. My athletic endeavors are easier because my oxygen uptake is greater. My knees love less weight. I can do a lot more push ups and my pop ups for surfing are so much easier.
If you would like to dig deeper, read my new book listed below. It is a fun journey after a while and one that will keep you healthy. Don’t think about a quick 10 pound weight loss, think about a new lifestyle and a new you.
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Read my book:
Lose 30 Pounds and Get Fit, Reverse Metabolic Syndrome, Mitochondrial Disease and Diabetes
Many people these days want to lose major weight. They want to get fit for recreation or to surf. They need to get healthy. Getting healthy often begins with losing a major amount of weight. This is not easy, but with the right routine it becomes easier. The body fights weight loss as a self-preservation mechanism, but it can be manipulated into complying. I have lost 50 pounds years ago and recently 35 pounds to get below my high school weight. It feels great. Weight loss may also be the key to reversing diseases and disorders. Doctors will tell patients to reverse diabetes, lose 25% of your body weight (varies). What people don’t learn from doctors is whether they have metabolic or mitochondrial disorders. Both lead to serious health issues and disease. This books discusses all of this to better inform you if you have health issues and get you started on a journey to health.
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